From S.A. Beach, The Apples of New York, volume 1, pp. 27-28.
The revised code of pomological nomenclature adopted by the American Pomological Society is here given in full, See Proc. Am. Pom. Soc., 1903: 40.
Rule 1.—No two varieties of the same kind of fruit shall bear the same name. The name
first published for a variety shall be the accepted and recognized name, except in cases
where it has been applied in violation of this code.
A.—The term “kind” as herein used shall be understood to apply to those general classes
of fruits that are grouped together in common usage without regard to their exact botanical
relationship; as, apple, cherry, grape, peach, plum, raspberry, etc.
B.—The paramount right of the originator, discoverer, or introducer of a new variety to
name it, within the limitations of this code, is recognized and emphasized.
C.—Where a variety name through long usage has become thoroughly established in
American pomological literature for two or more varieties, it should not be displaced or
radically modified for either sort, except in cases where a well-known synonym can be
advanced to the position of leading name. The several varieties bearing identical names
should: be distinguished by adding the name of the author who first described each sort, or
by adding some other suitable distinguishing term that will insure their identity in catalogues or discussions.
D.—Existing American names of varieties which conflict with earlier published foreign
names of the same, or other varieties, but which have become thoroughly established
through long usage shall not be displaced.
Form of Names.
Rule 2.—The name of a variety of fruit shall consist of a single word.
A.—No variety shall be named unless distinctly superior to existing varieties in some
important characteristic nor until it has been determined to perpetuate it by bud propagation.
B.—In selecting names for varieties the following points should be emphasized: distinctiveness, simplicity, ease of pronunciation and spelling, indication of origin or parentage.
C.—The spelling and pronunciation of a varietal name derived from a personal or geographical name should be governed by the rules that control the spelling and the pronunciation of the name from which it was derived.
D.—A variety imported from a foreign country should retain its foreign name subject only to such modification as is necessary to conform it to this code or to render it intelligible in English.
E.—The name of a person should not be applied to a variety during his life without his
expressed consent. The name of a deceased horticulturist should not be so applied except
through formal action by some competent horticultural body, preferably that with which he
was most closely connected.
F.—The use of such general terms as seedling, hybrid, pippin, pearmain, beurre, rare-
ripe, damson, etc., is not admissible.
G.—The use of a possessive noun as a name is not admissible.
H.—The use of a number either singly or attached to a word should be considered only
as temporary expedient while the variety is undergoing preliminary test.
I.—In applying the various provisions of this rule to an existing varietal name that has
through long usage become firmly imbedded in American pomological literature no change
shall be made which shall involve loss of identity.
Rule 3.—In the full and formal citation of a variety name, the name of the author who
first published it shall also be given.
Rule 4.—Publication consists (1) in the distribution of a printed description of the
variety named, giving the distinguishing characters of the fruit, tree, etc., or (2) in the
publication of a new name for a variety that is properly described elsewhere; such publication to be made in any book, bulletin, report, trade catalogue, or periodical, providing the
issue bears the date of its publication and is generally distributed among nurserymen, fruit
growers and horticulturists; or (3) in certain cases the general recognition of a name for a
propagated variety in a community for a number of years shall constitute publication of
that name.
A.—In determining the name of a variety to which two or more names have been given
in the same publication, that which stands first shall have precedence.
Rule 5.—No properly published variety name shall be changed for any reason except
conflict with this code, nor shall another variety be substituted for that originally described