Table of Contents
Ants that Invade Houses are Easily Killed by Poison; pp.131-132; by E.A. Back & R.T. Cotton
Appalachian Land Uses Affected By Aftermath of War; pp. 132-134; by Millard Peck
Avocado Culls May Prove Source of Oil and Livestock Feed by G.S. Jamieson; p.134
Avocado Industry is Rapidly Developing in Florida and California; pp. 135-137; by T. Ralph Robinson
Bagasse From Sugar Cane, Once Waste, Now Is Valuable in Industry; pp. 137-138; by Sidney F. Sherwood
Bedbugs are Quickly Exterminated by the Fumigation Method by E.A. Back and R.T. Cotton; p.138
Bee Breeding by Artificial Insemination done Experimentally; pp. 138-141; by Jas. I. Hambleton
Bird Refuges Play Indispensable Part in Saving Wild Life; pp.159-162; by Ernest P. Walker
Birds Can be Attracted to Wood Lots by Various Measures and Practices; pp. 162-164; by W.L McAtee
Blackberries of Four English Varieties are Introduced into U.S.; pp. 164-165; by George M. Darrow
Citrus Specialists Find New Methods of Propagation; pp. 201-204; by Walter T. Swingle & T. Ralph Robinson
Cod-Liver Oil in Feeds Requires Care to Preserve Vitamin by E.M. Nelson; pp.204-205
Cockroaches can be Quickly Eradicated by Sodium Fluoride by E.A. Back & R.T. Cotton; p.205
Corn Borer Control by Mechanical Means is Advanced a Stage; pp.222-224; by R.B Gray
Corn-Borer Research Lays Foundation for Control of the Pest by W.R. Walton; pp.224-227.
Date Varieties at All Growth Stages Shown by Vegetative Characters by Silas C. Mason; pp. 256-257.
Family Living Needs Studies in Relation to Income of Farms; pp.280-282; by Eugene Merritt.
Fence Posts Properly Treated Have Greatly Increased Durability by George M. Hunt; p.290.
Flax Resistant to Wilt Developed at Experiment Stations by A.C. Dillman; pp.296-297.
Fleas Controlled by Creosote Oil Sprays and Other Insecticides by F.C. Bishopp; p.297.
Forest Litter a Good Fertilizer of Farm as Well as Tree Crops by W.R. Mattoon; pp.325-326.
Forest Litter Aids in Conserving Water for California Farms by W.C. Lowdermilk; pp.326-327.
Grazing Too Early in Season is Harmful to Livestock and Range by Arnold R. Standing and Ernest Winkler; pp.348-349.
Hog Profits Greatly Affected by Heavy Death Rate of Pigs by Oscar Steanson; pp.364-365
Hog Profits Increased by Proper Selection of Foundation Animals by J.H. Zeller; pp.365-368.
Hogs Can Be Produced Profitably in Parts of Northern Great Plains by R.E. Hutton; pp.368-369.
Insect Poison Called Rotenone Highly Toxic But Costly at Present by F.B. La Forge; p.388.
Insecticide Research Develops a Promising Substitute for Nicotine by C.R. Smith; pp.388-389.
Japanese Higan Cherries Gain in Favor for the Adornment of Parks; pp.401-403; by Paul Russell
Kapok and Like Fibers Used for Pillows, Life Preservers, Insulation; pp.403-404; by Lyster H. Dewey
Lambing Loss Declines in the National Forests as Shelter Is Provided by J.H. Hatton; pp.409-410.
Lamb Twinning Can Be Increased by Extra Feed at Breeding Season by C.G. Potts; p.411.
Lily Breeding is a Fertile Field for Plant Improvement by David Griffiths; pp.418-420.
Mushroom Culture in the United States Is a Growing Industry by E.B. Lambert; pp.468-469.
Muskrat Farming in Marsh Areas Becomes a Profitable Industry by Frank G. Ashbrook; pp.469-470.
Negro Extension Work Promoted by Local Organization Activity by J.B. Pierce; pp.474-477.
Nemas Carry Bacterial and Fungous Diseases from Plant to Plant by G. Steiner; pp.477-479.
Organic Materials May Hurt Crops If Applied Undecayed by F.E. Allison; pp.482-483.
Paper-Mulch Trials Center About Three Lines of Usefulness by L.H. Flint; pp.483-484.
Peach Rots and How Temperature Affects Their Development by Charles Brooks; p.485.
Peat Deposits Under Some Conditions Are Serious Fire Hazard by Harry E. Roethe; p.486.
Pecan Shelling Plants Increase With Demand for Cracked Kernels by C.A. Reed; pp.486-487
Poultry's Mineral Requirements Vary at Different Ages; pp.502-504; by H.W. Titus.
Rat Control Aided by Development of Effective New Poisons; pp.518-521; by James Silver.
Roses Developed for Dooryard Are Still Far From Well Known; pp.532-534; by B.Y. Morrison.
Rosin When Poorly Strained Is Much Reduced in Quality by F.P. Veitch; pp.534-535.
Sheep of the Columbia Type Well Adapted to Intermountain Region by J.M. Cooper; pp.540-541.
Silo Filling Without a Man in the Silo Gives Good Results; pp.541-542; T.E. Woodward.
Smut on Pacific Coast Wheat Can Profitably Be Removed by Washing by E.N. Bates and G.P. Bodnar; pp.542-543.
Soil Bacteria Useful to Farmers May Be Caused to Multiply by Lewis T. Leonard; pp.543-544.
Soil Deterioration by Sheet Erosion Lowers Fertility of Vast Area by Hugh H. Bennett; pp.544-547.
Soil Particles That Glitter Are Often Mistaken for Gold by W.H. Fry; p.547.
Sorgo Known As Atlas Yields Well and Resists Lodging by John H. Parker; pp.551-553
Sugar-Beet Seed in New Mexico Grown by Rapid Method by John C. Overpeck; p.562.
Sugar Beets With Only One Viable Seed Would Reduce Costs Greatly by A.F. Woods; p.563.
Sweet Clover in Dry-Farming Belt, Once Started, Rarely Fails; pp.567-569; by L.W. Kephart
Tenant Farming on Share Basis Usually Best for Beginners by Howard A. Turner; pp.574-575.
Terracing to Control Erosion If Well Done Is Paying Investment by Lewis A. Jones; pp.575-577.
Velvet Beans of a Bush Variety Developed With Distinguishable Seed by W.J. Morse; pp. 598-600.
Wages of Farm Hands Augmented by Many Important Perquisites by J.C. Folsom; pp.600-601.
Waterfowl Breeding a Necessary Adjunct to Protective Measures; pp.601-602; by W.L. McAtee.
Water Supply of Rural Communities Frequently Requires Purification by J.W. Sale; pp.603-604.
Wild Animals Affect Forest Production in Many Important Ways; pp.608-610; by W.B. Bell
Wilderness Areas in the National Forests are to be Preserved; pp.610-612; by E.W. Tinker.
Women on Farms Average 63 Hours' Work Weekly in Survey of 700 Homes; pp.620-622; by Hildegarde Kneeland
Wood Checking and Weathering can be Prevented by Paint by Rolf Thelen; p.623.
Wood for Different Uses Needs Different Degrees of Dryness by Rolf Thelen; pp.623-624.
Woodland Thinning by Preserving Better Trees Often Profitable by Duncan Dunning; pp.624-625.
Wood of Native Trees Compared Regarding Resistance to Decay by George M. Hunt; pp.625-626.
Wood Selection Rules Help But Should Not Be Followed Blindly by A.O. Benson; pp.626-627.
Woods on the Farm Like Saving Account If Rightly Handled by W.R. Mattoon; pp. 628-629.
Wool Carelessly Packed Fails to Realize Its Full Value in Market by Russell L. Burrus and John P. Roberts; pp.629-630.
Wool Yields Can Be Increased by Rigid Culling and Selection by Mary J. Brandon; pp.630-632.
World's Agriculture Much Changed by the War and Its Results by O.C. Stine; pp.632-635.
Yellow-Resistant Cabbages Developed by Plant Breeding by J.C. Walker; pp.635-636.
Department Publications; pp.637-639. (See Below)
[Maps, Stats, etc. that I don't intend to include unless users of this site request them. -ASC]
List of new Farmers’ Bulletins, Department Bulletins, Miscellaneous Circulars, Statistical Bulletins, Technical Bulletins, Circulars, Leaflets, and Miscellaneous Publications issued from January 1, 1928, to December 31, 1928, classified by
general subject matter
[These different series of publications are indicated by the letters preceding each serial number]
The Spread of the European Starling in North America (to 1928) | Cir. | 40 |
The European Starling in the United States. | F.B. | 1571 |
Game Laws for the Season 1928-29 | F.B. | 1575 |
Directory of Officials and Organizations Concerned with the Protection of Birds and Game, 1928 | M.P. | 30 |
Returns from Banded Birds 1923 to 1926 | T.B. | 32 |
Nematodes of Pathological Significance Found in Some Economically Important Birds in North America | T.B. | 49 |
Wild Birds Introduced or Transplanted in North America | T.B. | 61 |
Sun Suits for Children | Leaf. | 24 |
Dresses for the Little Girl | Leaf. | 26 |
The Changing uses of Textile Fibers in Clothing and Household Articles | M.P. | 31 |
COTTON: | ||
Standardized Cotton Tare in Egypt | Cir. | 47 |
Factors Affecting the Price of Cotton. | T.B. | 50 |
The Irrigation of Cotton | T.B. | 72 |
Marketing American Cotton on the Continent of Europe | T.B. | 78 |
Ten Years of Agronomy Extension 1915 to 1924 | Cir. | 22 |
Farm-Management Extension, 1914-1924 | Cir. | 30 |
A Score of Easily Propagated Lilies | Cir. | 23 |
Japanese Flowering Cherries | Cir. | 31 |
The Yellow Day Lilies | Cir. | 42 |
Johnson Grass as a Weed | F.B. | 1537 |
Legume Hays for Milk Production | F.B. | 1573 |
Preparing Johnson Hay for Market in the Black Prairie Belt of Alabama and Mississippi | F.B. | 1574 |
Sweet Clover | Leaf. | 23 |
Save the Beans | M.P. | 16 |
Forests and Floods | Cir. | 19 |
The Protection Forests of the Mississippi River Watershed and Their Part in Flood Prevention | Cir. | 37 |
The Air Seasoning of Western Softwood Lumber | D.B. | 1425 |
Timber Growing and Logging Practice in the Lake States | D.B. | 1496 |
Bamboos and Bamboo Culture | Leaf. | 18 |
The Farm Woods—A Savings Bank Paying Interest | Leaf. | 29 |
Federal Legislation and Regulations Relating to the Improvement of Federal-Aid Roads and National-Forest Roads and Trails | M.C. | 109 |
Management Plans with Special Reference to the National Forests | M.P. | 11 |
National Forests of Colorado | M.P. | 18 |
A Forest Fire Prevention Handbook for the Schools of Oregon | M.P. | 20 |
Protect White Pine from Blister Rust | M.P. | 22 |
Growing Pine Timber for Profit in the South | M.P. | 24 |
Why Grow Timber? | M.P. | 26 |
Measuring Forest-Fire Danger in Northern Idaho | M.P. | 29 |
Experimental Tapping of Hevea Rubber Trees at Bayeux, Haiti, 1924-25 | T.B. | 65 |
Marketing California Grapes | Cir. | 44 |
Removal of Spray Residue from Apples and Pears in the Pacific Northwest | Cir. | 59 |
Preparation of Eastern Grapes for Market | F.B. | 1558 |
Preparing Strawberries for Market | F.B. | 1560 |
Fur Laws for the Season 1928-29 | F.B. | 1576 |
Chinchilla Rabbits for Food and Fur | Leaf. | 22 |
The Bates Laboratory Aspirator | Cir. | 9 |
Chemical-Dust Seed Treatments for Dent Corn | Cir. | 34 |
Improved Apparatus and Method for Making "Shellings” of Rough Rice | Cir. | 48 |
Corn Breeding | D.B. | 1489 |
Harvesting Grain Sorghums | F.B. | 1577 |
The Husker-Shredder on Eastern Corn Belt Farms | F.B. | 1589 |
Rate and Date of Seeding and Seed-Bed Preparation for Winter Wheat at Arlington Experiment Farm | T.B. | 38 |
Inheritance of Awnedness, Yield and Quality in Crosses Between Bobs, Hard Federation, and Propo Wheats at Davis, Calif. | T.B. | 39 |
Broomcorn Experiments at the United States Dry-Land Field Station, Woodward, Okla | T.B. | 51 |
Relation of Kernel Density to Table and Canning Quality in Different Varieties of Maize | T.B. | 97 |
Respiration of Sorghum Grains | T.B. | 100 |
Experimental Dissemination of the Tabanid Egg Parasite Phanurus Emersoni Girault and Biological Notes on the Species | Cir. | 18 |
The Application of Sodium Fluosilicate by Airplane in an Attempt to Control the Sugar-Cane Moth Borer | Cir. | 45 |
Insects Injurious to the Rice Crop | F.B. | 1543 |
Insects Attacking the Peach in the South and How to Control Them | F.B. | 1557 |
The Porto Rican Mole Cricket | F.B. | 1561 |
Farm Practices Under Corn-Borer Conditions | F.B. | 1562 |
The Sorghum Midge with Suggestions for Control | F.B. | 1566 |
Mosquito Remedies and Preventives | F.B. | 1570 |
The Striped Blister Beetle on Soy Beans | Leaf. | 12 |
A Study of Phylloxera Infestation in California as Related to Types of Soils | T.B. | 20 |
Experiments for the Control of the European Red Mite and Other Fruit-Tree Mite | T.B. | 25 |
The Fall Army Worm | T.B. | 34 |
The Sugar-Cane Moth Borer in the United States | T.B. | 41 |
Life History of the Codling Moth in Delaware | T.B. | 42 |
The Western Cedar Pole Borer or Powder Worm | T.B. | 48 |
A Classification of the Higher Groups and Genera Margarodidae | T.B. | 52 |
Paradichlorobenzene Experiments in the South for Peach-Borer Control | T.B. | 58 |
The European Corn Borer and Its Controlling Factors in Europe | T.B. | 59 |
The Apple Maggot | T.B. | 66 |
Tests of Blowfly Baits and Repellents During 1926 | T.B. | 80 |
The Hessian Fly in California | T.B. | 81 |
An Apparatus for Adding Gypsum to Irrigation Water | Cir. | 33 |
Irrigation of Small Grain | F.B. | 1556 |
Irrigation Requirements of the Arid and Semiarid Lands of the Missouri and Arkansas River Basins | T.B. | 36 |
Delivery of Irrigation Water | T.B. | 47 |
Silt in the Colorado River and Its Relation to Irrigation | T.B. | 67 |
Dairy Work at the Woodward Field Station, Woodward, OKla., 1921 to 1926. | Cir. | 12 |
Comparison of Purebred and Grade Dairy Cows | Cir. | 26 |
The Regional Lymph Glands of Food Animals | Cir. | 32 |
Some Results of Soft-Pork Investigations II | D.B. | 1492 |
Systems of Livestock Farming in the Black Prairie Belt of Alabama and Mississippi | F.B. | 1546 |
Feeding Cattle for Beef_ | F.B. | 1549 |
Care of the Dairy Cow at Calving Time | Leaf. | 10 |
Sheep and Goat Lice and Methods of Control and Eradication | Leaf. | 13 |
Raising the Dairy Heifer | Leaf. | 14 |
Purebred Dairy Sires | Leaf. | 16 |
Improving Dairy Herds | Leaf. | 19 |
Care of the Dairy Calf | Leaf. | 20 |
Preventing Feed Flavors | Leaf. | 25 |
A Calendar of Livestock Parasites | M.P. | 25 |
The Livestock Review for 1927 | M.P. | 28 |
Wild Tobaccos (Nicotiana Trigonophylla Dunal and Nicotiana Attenuata Torrey as Stock-Poisoning Plants | T.B. | 22 |
Sorgo Silage, Sorgo Fodder, and Cottonseed Hulls as Roughages in Rations for Fattening Calves in the Southwest | T.B. | 43 |
The Swine Sanitation System as Developed by the Bureau of Animal Husbandry in McLean County, IL | T.B. | 44 |
A Study of Ranch Organization and Methods of Range-Cattle Production in the Northern Great Plains Region | T.B. | 45 |
Ranch Organization and Methods of Livestock Production in the Southwest | T.B. | 68 |
Some Factors Affecting the Demand for Milk and Cream in the Metropolitan Area of New York | T.B. | 73 |
Report of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Commission of the United States Department of Agriculture | T.B. | 76 |
Factors that Influence Wool Production with Range Rambouillet Sheep | T.B. | 85 |
Four Species of Range Plants not Poisonous to Livestock | T.B. | 93 |
Joint Use of a Sales Organization by Two Cooperative Associations | Cir. | 10 |
Market Classes and Grades of Calves and Vealers | Cir. | 28 |
Marketing Farm Produce by Parcel Post | F.B. | 1551 |
Car-lot Shipments and Unloads of Important Fruits and Vegetables, 1924-26 | S.B. | 23 |
Agricultural Cooperative Associations Marketing and Purchasing 1925 | T.B. | 40 |
Cooperative Marketing of Livestock in the United States by Terminal Associations | T.B. | 57 |
Cooperative Marketing of Grain in Western Canada | T.B. | 63 |
Marketing American Cotton in England | T.B. | 69 |
Major Transactions in the 1926 December Wheat Future | T.B. | 79 |
U.S. Grades, Color Standards, and Packing Requirements for Honey | Cir. | 24 |
Soil Erosion: A National Menace | Cir. | 33 |
Methods for Collecting and Preserving Pollen for Use in the Treatment of Hay Fever | Cir. | 46 |
A Seed Counter | Cir. | 53 |
Developments and Problems in Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance | Cir. | 54 |
The Farm Real Estate Situation 1927-28 | Cir. | 60 |
Rural Libraries | F.B. | 1559 |
Farm Budgeting | F.B. | 1564 |
Shall I Buy a Combine? | F.B. | 1565 |
Earthworms as Pests and Otherwise | F.B. | 1569 |
Woodchuck Control in the Eastern States | Leaf. | 21 |
Lamb as You Like It | Leaf. | 28 |
List of Publications of the United States Department of Agriculture from January, 1901, to December, 1925, Inclusive | M.P. | 9 |
Workers in Subjects Pertaining to Agriculture in State Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations 1927-1928 | M.P. | 12 |
Crop Report Regulations, 1928 | M.P. | 17 |
The Agricultural Outlook for 1928 | M.P. | 19 |
Research in Mechanical Farm Equipment | M.P. | 38 |
Statistics of Fats, Oils, and Oleaginous Raw Materials | S.B. | 24 |
Cold-Storage Holdings, Year Ended December 31, 1927 | S.B. | 26 |
Methods of Extracting Volatile Oils from Plant Material and the Production of Such Oils in the United States | T.B. | 16 |
Coyotillo (Karwinskia Humboltiana) as a Poisonous Plant | T.B. | 29 |
Agricultural Survey of Europe—France | T.B. | 37 |
Highway Bridge Surveys | T.B. | 55 |
Bacteriology and Chemistry of Oysters, Production, Handling, and Shipment | T.B. | 64 |
The Combined Harvester-Thresher in the Great Plains | T.B. | 70 |
The Value of Inert Gas as a Preventive of Dust Explosions in Grinding Equipment | T.B. | 74 |
Mushroom Diseases and Their Carriers | Cir. | 27 |
Bacterial Wilt and Winter Injury of Alfalfa | Cir. | 39 |
Rose Diseases, Their Causes and Control | F.B. | 1547 |
Bread or Barberries | M.P. | 7 |
Yellows: A Serious Disease of Tomatoes | M.P. | 13 |
Formaldehyde Seed Treatment for Oat Smuts | M.P. | 21 |
Black Currant Spreads White-Pine Blister Rust | M.P. | 27 |
Clover Anthracnose Caused by Colletotrichum Trifolii | T.B. | 28 |
Factors of Spread and Repression in Potato Wart | T.B. | 56 |
Factors in the Inception and Development of Fusarium Rot in Stored Potatoes | T.B. | 62 |
Incubation and Brooding of Chickens | F.B. | 1538 |
Poultry Houses and Fixtures | F.B. | 1554 |
Ineffectiveness of Internal Medication of Poultry for the Control of External Parasites | T.B. | 60 |
Seed Production from Sugar Beets Over-Wintered in the Field | Cir. | 20 |
The Commercial Production of Sauerkraut | Cir. | 35 |
Sugar-Cane Variety Tests in Louisiana During the Crop Year, 1926-27 | Cir. | 36 |
Cucumber Growing | F.B. | 1563 |
Vegetable Statistics Year Ended December 31, 1926, with Comparable Data for Earlier Years | S.B. | 22 |
Source, Character, and Treatment | T.B. | 5 |