Report of the Secretary ....9
The Cooperative Purchase of Farm Supplies.  By C.E. Bassett. 73
Winter Crow Roosts. By E. R. Kalmbach 83
How Engineering May Help Farm Life. By E. B. McCormick 101
Some Outstanding Factors in Profitable Farming. By J.S. Cates. .113
Pointers on Marketing Woodlot Products. By Stanley L. Wolfe. ..121
How Hawaii Helps Her Farmers to Market their Produce. By E. V. Wilcox 131
Unprofitable Acres. By J. C. McDowell.... 147
Shipping Fish Three Thousand Miles to Market. By E. D. Clark. .155
Animal Disease and Our Food Supply. By E. B. Mitchell.. —159
The Boys’ Pig Club Work. By W. F. Ward 173 A Successful Rural Cooperative Laundry. By C. H. Hanson. 189
The Poultry Club Work in the South. By Rob R. Slocum. 195
Osage Orange Waste as a Substitute for Fustic Dyewood. By F.W. Kressman 201
China a Fruitful Field for Plant Exploration. By F. N. Meyer....205
How the Whole County Demonstrated. By Bradford Knapp and Jesse M. Jones 225
Karakul Sheep. By F. R. Marshall, L. L. Heller, and V. O. McWhorter-249
Recent Grasshopper Outbreaks and Latest Methods of Controlling Them. By F. M. Webster. 263
How the Department of Agriculture Promotes Organization in Rural Life 272a
Economic Importance of the Federal Inspection of Meats. By George Diteweg 273
The Production and Handling of Grain in Argentina.  By Laurel Duval   281
Improvement and Management of Native Pastures in the West. By James T. Jardine   299
How Seed Testing Helps the Farmer. By E. Brown. ..311
Stories of the Atmosphere. By Roscoe Nunn.....................317
A Graphic Summary of American Agriculture. By Middleton Smith, O. E. Baker, and R. G. Hainsworth......................329

   Agricultural Colleges in the United States. ...................405
   Agricultural Experiment Stations in the United States, Their Locations and Directors. . 407
   State Officers in Charge of Agriculture  408
   State Officers in Charge of Cooperative Agricultural Extension Work.... 408
   Statistics of the Principal Crops
   Farm Animals and Their Products.
   The Federal Meat Inspection.................. 537
   Imports and Exports of Agricultural Products.
   Number of Persons Engaged in Agriculture in Various Counmes. 577
   Area of Agricultural Land in Various Countries........._....... 578
   National Forests.


Some varieties of flint corn grown in Argentina compared with corn produced in the United States ... .. .Frontispiece
PLATE I. Power sprayers purchased cooperatively by a western fruit association. ..
II. Roosting crows. [missing 'cause some low-life razored it out of my copy -ASC]
III. Fig. 1.—Crow pellets. .- ingredients of crow pellets
IV. Fig. 1.—Woodlot containing much merchantable material. Fig. 2. Veneer logs. . .
V. Fig. 1.—Stave bolts for slack cooperage. Fig. 2.—White oak stave bolts for tight cooperage
VI. Making a hewed railroad tie
VII. Pulpwood bolts.
VIII. Fig. 1.—Where the pineapples grow. Fig. 2.—Gathering and sorting pineapples
IX. Cleaning and packing pineapples.
X. Stump land...........
XI. A vacant city lot before and after improvement.
XII. Fig. 1.—Fir and cedar stump land. Fig. 2.—Stony land.
XIII. “Unprofitable acres” on & Massachusetts farm before and after improvement.
XIV. Fig. 1.—"Sling” full of halibut being lifted out of a boat at Seattle.
XV. Frozen halibut in piles awaiting the glazing process......
XVI. Fig. 1.—Taking a salmon from a seine. Fig. 2.—Horse seine.
XVII. A Government poster widely distributed in the South
XVIII. Maps showing progress of eradication of cattle and sheep scabies....
XIX. Fig.1.—Pig-club emblem. Fig. 2.—Preparing the pig for the show ring. .
XX. Fig. 1.—A winner in Texas. Fig. 2.—The Massachusetts Pig Club champion and his pigs
XXI. Fig. 1.—Pig-club boys at the Kentucky State Fair. Fig.2.—A sow and a profitable litter ..
XXII. The pig-club poster .
XXIII. Fig. 1.—A market - topping barrow at the Oklahoma State Fair. Fig. 2.—A North Carolina prize winner............
XXIV. Fig. 1.—Winners in the 1915 Georgia Pig Club. Fig. 2.—Tennessee pigs which made record-breaking gains.
XXV. Views of cooperative laundry
XXVI. Poultry houses .
XXVII. Fig.1.—Middletown (Va.) Agricultural High School. Fig. 2―Community poultry house, Middletown (Va.) Poultry Chab. Fig. 3―Barred Plymouth Rocks used by Middletown (Va.) Poultry Club ............
XXVIII. Fig. 1.—Egg exhibit at Charlotte (N. C.) Fair. Fig.2—A typical poultry club ....
XXIX. Views of explorer’s caravan
XXX. Large-fruited variety of jujube
XXXI. Wild jujubes......
XXXII Fig. 1.—Specimen tree of cultivated jujube. Fig.2.—Cake made of proso and jujubes
XXXIII.  Fig. 1―Old persimmon trees.  Fig. 2.―Stings of peeled persimmons drying
PLATE XXXIV. Grove of persimmons . 208
XXXV. Fig. 1.—Stack of dried persimmons.  Fig. 2―An old Chinese chestnut tree  208
XXXVI. Groves of timber bamboo . 208
XXXVII. Fig. 1.—Attachment for orchard harrow. Fig. 2.—Inoculating pigs. 232
XXXVIII. Fig. 1.—Automobiles to carry passengers on tour of inspection.  Fig. 2.—Inspecting yearling gilts. . 232
XXXIX-XLVIII. Karakul lambskins . 256 XLIX. Fig. 1.—Karakul ram. Fig. 2―Karakul lamb. 256
L. Fig. 1.—Karakul lambs. Fig. 2.—Desirable type of Karakul ewe 256
LI. Common destructive grasshoppers. 264
LII. Fig. 1.—Lubber grasshopper. Fig. 2―Where grasshoppers deposit their eggs ... 264
LIII. Places of deposit of grasshopper eggs 264
LIV. Fig. 1.—Eggs deposited in crown of alfalfa plant.  Fig. 2―Place of deposit of grasshopper eggs 264
LV. Fig.1.—Waste land where grasshopper eggs are deposited. Fig. 2―Oat field attacked by grasshoppers. Fig. 3.—Combination hopperdozer .. 264
LVI. Sowing poisoned bran bait 264
LVII. The cereal zone of Argentina 288
LVIII. The cereal zone of Argentina compared with the United States...... 288
LIX. Comparative exports of principal surplus-producing countries, 1911-1913.  288
LX. Comparison of crops of Argentina and United States, 1911-1913 288
LXI-LXII. Corn cultivation, harvesting, and storing in Argentina. 288
LXIII-LXVIII. [LXIV, LXV, LXVI, LXVII]  Grain harvesting, transportation, and storage in Argentina. 288
LXIX. Fig. 1.—Cattle on National Forest range in Montana. Fig. 2.—Area denuded of vegetative cover  304
LXX. Ranges in New Mexico... 304
LXXI-LXXII Ranges in California and Oregon 304
LXXIII. Germination of clover seed... 312
LXXIV. Plants from imported rape seed 312
LXXV. Vertical section of the atmosphere 318

Fig. 1. Map showing location of crow roosts occupied in the winter of 1911-12. 90
2. Layout of farm. 106
3. Relation of yield per cow to feed cost of milk. .. 118
4. Map showing routes through China and adjoining eounmes traveled by F. N. Myer from 1905 to 1915 207
5. Map showing activities of the county agent, Christian County, K. 226
6. Map showing activities of county agent, Culpeper County, Va. 238
7. Method of egg-laying by two-striped grasshoppers.
8. Galvanized iron hopperdozer.
9. Map showing localities of grasshopper experiments in 1915.
10. Thinness of the atmospheric envelope on the earth.
11-13. Weather maps, September 26-28,1903............
Graphs and maps illustrating summary of American agriculture.  pp. 335-403