[Printer statement― p.2
Preface― pp. 3-4
Illustrations list― pp. 7-8
Report of the Secretary. 9
The Economic Value of Predaceous Birds and Mammals. By A.K. Fisher 187
The Wastes of the Farm. By A. F. Woods 195
Some Facts about Tuberculous Cattle. By E. C. Schroeder. 217
Cost and Methods of Transporting Meat Animals. By Frank Andrews..227
The Search for New Leguminous Forage Crops. By C. V. Piper. 245
Suitable Paper for Permanent Records. By F. P. Veitch.....261
Information about Spraying for Orchard Insects. By A. L. Quaintance. 267
The So-called Change of Climate in the Semiarid West. By Richard H. Sullivan- 289
Mouse Plagues, Their Control and Prevention. By Stanley E. Piper. 301
Causes of Southern Rural Conditions and the Small Farm as an Important Remedy. By S. A. Knapp. 311
Recent Work of the Bureau of Animal Industry Concerning the Cause and Prevention of Hog Cholera. By M. Dorset. 321
The Manufacture of Flavoring Extracts. By E. M. Chace 333
The Relations Between Birds and Insects. - By F. E. L. Beal 343
Types of Farming in the United States. By W. J. Spillman.........351
Some Things that the Grower of Cereal and Forage Crops should Know about Insects. By F. M. Webster...367
Plant Food Removed from Growing Plants by Rain or Dew. By J. A. LeClerc and J. F. Breazeale.......389
Intensive Methods and Systematic Rotation of Crops in Tobacco Culture. By E. H. Mathewson. 403
Use of Poisons for Destroying Noxious Mammals. 421
Instruments for Making Weather Observations on the Farm. By Dewey A. Seeley.. 433
By-products of the Sugar Beet and Their Uses. By C. O. Townsend. 443
The Development of Farm Crops Resistant to Disease. By W. A. Orto 453
Soil Mulches for Checking Evaporation. By Samuel Fortier. 465
Promising New Fruits. By William A. Taylor 473
Organization of the Department of Agriculture...........pp. 491-497
Appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1907, 1908, and 1909..p.497
Agricultural colleges and other institutions in the United States having courses in agriculture. .. pp. 497-499
Agricultural experiment stations of the United States, their locations, directors, and principal lines of Work. ... ..pp. 499-503.
Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations; Officials in charge of farmers’ institutes.............pp. 503-504.
American Association of Farmers’ Institute Workers. p. 504
Statistics of farmers’ institutes............pp. 504-505
State officials in charge of agriculture . 505
Dairy associations, international and national. 506
American National Live Stock Association.. 506
American Association of Live Stock Herdbook Secretaries. 506
National Wool Growers’ Association.. 506
The Corn Belt Meat Producers’ Association 506
Protection against contagion from foreign cattle. 507
Stock breeders’ associations................ 507
Sanitary officers in charge of live-stock interest 508
Forestry associations. 510
Schools of forestry. 510
State forest officers. . 511
National Bee Keepers’ Association. 512
Association of Economic Entomologists. 512
Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 512
Horticultural and kindred societies...... 512
State highway officials................. 513
State officials in charge of protection of game. 514
Organizations for protection of birds and game.. 514
Official inspectors of fertilizers in the United States. 515
American Breeders’ Association. 515
Farmers’ National Congress. . 515
Patrons of Husbandry..... 515
Review of weather conditions of the year 1908 516
Plant diseases in 1908. ........ 533
The progress in forestry in 1908. 538
Forest products.......... 551
Some special aspects of chemical investigations in 558
Areas surveyed and mapped by the Bureau of Soil 564
The principal injurious insects of the year 1908... 567
Progress of game protection in 1908.... 580
Review of road laws enacted in 1908. 590
Statistics of the principal crops. 597
Index ― 785
[CHAPTER 23, Stat. at L., 1895.]
[AN ACT Providing for the public printing and binding and the distribution of public documents.)
* * * * * *
Section 73, paragraph 2:
The Annual Report of the Secretary of Agriculture shall hereafter be submitted
and printed in two parts, as follows: Part One, which shall contain purely business
and executive matter which it is necessary for the Secretary to submit to the President and Congress; Part Two, which shall contain such reports from the different
Bureaus and Divisions, and such papers prepared by their special agents, accompanied by suitable illustrations, as shall, in the opinion of the Secretary, be specially
suited to interest and instruct the farmers of the country, and to include a general
report of the operations of the Department for their information. There shall be
printed of Part One, one thousand copies for the Senate, two thousand copies for the
House, and three thousand copies for the Department of Agriculture; and of Part
Two, one hundred and ten thousand copies for the use of the Senate, three hundred
and sixty thousand copies for the use of the House of Representatives, and thirty
thousand copies for the use of the Department of Agriculture, the illustrations for
the same to be executed under the supervision of the Public Printer, in accordance
with directions of the Joint Committee on Printing, said illustrations to be subject
to the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture; and the title of each of the said
parts shall be such as to show that such part is complete in itself.
Plate I. Great horned owl.
II. Sharp-shinned hawk—the enemy of small birds and chickens
III. Cooper hawk (chicken hawk).
IV. Fig. 1.—A cow with advanced tuberculosis of the throat lymph glands. Fig. 2.—Three tuberculous cows
V. Fig. 1.—Three tuberculous cows. Fig. 2.—A dangerously tuberculous cow
VI. Fig. 1.—A tuberculous bull. Fig. 2.—A tuberculous cow.
VII. Tuberculous cows.
VIII. Fig. 1.—A very old and visibly tuberculous dairy cow. Fig. 2―Hogs rooting in hog yard adjacent to a cow stable
IX. Fig.1.—Lyon bean. Fig. 2.—A patch of kudzu.
X. Fig. 1.—Field of Brabham cowpeas. Fig. 2.—Top portion of Tangier pea plant.
XI. Adzuki beans at Arlington Farm.
XII. Bonavist at Arlington Farm, 1907 and 1908
XIII. Pods of twenty Varieties of bur clover now being tested
XIV. Field of Hindu cowpeas at Arlington Farm.
XV. The Brabham and Groit cowpeas.
XVI. Types of spraying apparatus.
XVII Hand-power tank outfit for spraying.
XVIII. Types of spraying apparatus.
XIX. Gasoline-power outfits for spraying.
XX. Miscellaneous spraying accessories.
XXI. Lombardy poplar girdled by field mice
XXII. Alfalfa destroyed by field mice.
XXIII The Carson meadow mouse.
XXIV. Fig. 1.—Preparation and sacking of alfalfa hay for poisoning. Fig. 2.~Gulls destroying field mice in alfalfa fields.
XXV. Fig. 1—Brush drag used to obliterate mouse burrows. Fig. 2—Effect of brush drag
XXVI. Vanilla beans
XXVII. Fig.1.—Cutting lemons. Fig. 2.—Removing pulp of lemons.
XXVIII. Expressing lemon oil, two-piece method.
XXIX. Fig. 1.—Interior of lemon-oil factory. Fig. 2.—Lemon-oil machine.
XXX. Fig. 1. Road between two farms with neglected hedges on either side. Fig. 2. Road with well-kept hedges on either side.
XXXI. Poorly kept and well-kept roadsides.
XXXII. Wheat fields in eastern Washington, destroyed by grasshopper.
XXXIII. Fig. 1.—Tobacco which received no fertilizer. Fig. 2.—Tobacco which received the customary application of fertilizer.
XXXIV. Fig. 1.—Tobacco fertilized with mixture proposed by Department of Agriculture. Fig. 2.—Uneven growth of tobacco plants.
XXXV. Fields of wheat following tobacco.
XXXVI. Field of grass succeeding wheat which followed tobacco.
XXXVII. Fig. 1.—Field of timothy at Bowling Green, Va. Fig. 2.―Crop rotation plots at Upper Marlboro, Md.
XXXVIII. Instruments useful in observing atmospheric conditions.
XXXIX. Fig.1.—Field of Upland cotton destroyed by wilt. Fig.2.―The same field planted with a wilt-resistant variety of cotton.
XL. Fig. 1.—Field showing resistant and ordinary varieties of cowpeas. Fig. 2.―Wilt-resistant watermelons.
XLI. Patten apple.
XLII Bennett apple
XLIII. Williams apple.
XLIV. Augbert peach
XLV. Champion peach.
XLVI. Eaton raspberry.
XLVII. Peters mango.
XLVIII. Kawakami and Lonestar persimmons
XLIX. Taylor, Kennedy, Hodge, Bolton, and Carman pecans.
L. Departures from normal temperature, crop season of 1908. . 528
LI. Departures from normal precipitation, crop season of 1908. 528
LII. Total precipitation, crop season of 1908, - 528
LIII. Coyote-proof fence in the Imnaha National Forest, Oregon. 544
LIV. Telephone line and bridge in Wallowa National Forest, Oregon 544
LV. The CalaVeras bigtree grove in California. ... 544
1. Location of range country. 233
2. Variations in annual precipitation at Kansas stations. 297
3. The Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor). 372
4. Army worm (Heliophila unipuncta). . . 372
5. The spring grain-aphis or "green bug” (Toxoptera graminum). 373
6. The clover-leaf weevil (Phytonomus punctatus). 374
7. Western corn root-worm (Diabrotica longicornis) 375
8. Southern corn root-worm (Diabrotica 12-punctata). 375
9. Isosoma tritici: Adult of the joint-worm. ... 376
10. The clover-seed chalcis (Brucophagus funebris).... 376
11. Rocky Mountain grasshopper or locust (Melanoplus spretus). 377
12. Striped blister beetle ( Epicauta vittata) 377
13. Clover root-borer ( Hylastinus obscurus) .. 379
14. Clover root, showing work of the borer Hylastinus obscurus 379
15. Tipula, or crane-fly, emerging from the pupa skin 380
16. May beetle (Lachnosterna arcuata). ... 381
17. The common wireworm (Melanotus communis).. 383
18. Timothy bill-bug (Sphenophorus venatus). 384
19. Corn bill-bug (Sphenophorus æqualis). 385
20. Instrument shelter and rain gauge. 435
21. Rain gauge with measuring tube attached. 436
22. Water-jacketed tanks used in evaporation experiments 466
23. Evaporation at Davis, Cal., 1908 407
24. Curves showing daily rate of evaporation, Davis, Cal., June 10 to July 1, 1908 467
25. Curves showing daily rate of evaporation at Davis, Cal., September 1 to October 3, 1908 469
26. Evaporation at Wenatchee, Wash., and at Riverside, Cal., 1908. . 470
27. Evaporation at Reno, Nev., 1908 411
28. Evaporation at Bozeman, Mont., 1908. 471
29. Location of areas surveyed by the Bureau of Soils. 564